Click links to view descriptions and upcoming workshop sessions.
These can also be scheduled as Private Girl Scouts Workshops.
3D PRINTING (Brownies through Ambassadors – 3D Printing Fun Patch)
ARTSY SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Art and Science Fun Patch)
BATH BOMB SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Bath Bomb Fun Patch)
BIOLOGY OF BUTTERFLIES (All Girl Scouts – Butterfly Fun Patch)
CATAPULT ENGINEERING (All Girl Scouts - Catapult Fun Patch)
CHEMICAL REACTIONS (All Girl Scouts - Chemistry Fun Patch)
CHUNKY PUMPKIN CRAFT (All Girl Scouts – Pumpkin Patch Fun Patch) - seasonal
COMPOSTING 101 (All Girl Scouts – Composting Fun Patch)
CSA PHOTOGRAPHY (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – Photography Fun Patch/Ambassador Photographer Badge)
DNA SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Life Science Fun Patch)
EARTH DAY CELEBRATION (All Girl Scouts – Earth Day Fun Patch) - seasonal
FAIRY DOOR DESIGN (All Girl Scouts - Fairy Garden Fun Patch)
FROZEN SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Frozen Fun Patch)
GEODE LAB (All Girl Scouts - Rocks and Minerals Fun Patch)
GERMS LAB (All Girl Scouts - Future Scientist Fun Patch)
GREETING CARD CODING (Brownies through Ambassadors - This Girl Can Code Fun Patch)
GROSSOLOGY (All Girl Scouts - Grossology Fun Patch)
HALLOWEEN POTIONS (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Halloween Fun Patch/Brownie Home Scientist Badge) - Seasonal
HOLIDAY STEAM (All Girl Scouts - Holiday Fun Patch) – seasonal
HYDROPONIC GARDENING (All Girl Scouts – Hydroponic Farming Fun Patch)
LED FLASHLIGHTS (All Girl Scouts – Flashlight Fun Patch)
LEPRECHAUN STEM LAB (All Girl Scouts – St. Patrick’s Day Fun Patch) - seasonal
LIGHT LAB (All Girl Scouts - Glow Party Fun Patch)
MINI-MED SCHOOL: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (All Girl Scouts – Stomach Fun Patch)
MINI-MED SCHOOL: NERVOUS SYSTEM (All Girl Scouts – Brain Fun Patch)
MINUTE TO WIN IT: SCIENCE EDITION (All Girl Scouts - Minute to Win It Fun Patch)
ORIGAMI ENGINEERING (Brownies through Ambassadors – Origami Fun Patch)
OWL PELLET DISSECTION (All Girl Scouts - Owl Fun Patch)
PALEONTOLOGY (All Girl Scouts – Dinosaur Discovery Fun Patch)
PAPER MARBLING (All Girl Scouts – Paper Marbling Fun Patch)
PI DAY PROJECTS (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes – Pi Day Fun Patch) – seasonal
PIRATE SCIENCE (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Pirate Fun Patch)
PLANT SCIENCE (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Nature Fun Patch)
POLYMER SCIENCE LAB (Juniors through Ambassadors – Girls In Science Fun Patch)
REPTILE SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Reptile Fun Patch)
ROPES AND KNOTS (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – Ropes and Knots Fun Patch)
SCIENCE LAB SKILLS (All Girl Scouts – Science Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF BEES (All Girl Scouts – Save the Bees Fun Patch/Junior Animal Habits Badge)
SCIENCE OF BIRDS (All Girl Scouts – Birds Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF FUNGI (All Girl Scouts - Mushroom Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF MAGIC (All Girl Scouts – Magic Show Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF SCUBA (Brownies through Ambassadors - Scuba Diving Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF SLIME (All Girl Scouts – Slime Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF WATER (All Girl Scouts – Water Wise Fun Patch)
SCIENCE WIZARDRY (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Science Wizardry Fun Patch)
SEA MONKEY SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Aquatic Life Fun Patch)
SHARK SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Marine Biology Fun Patch)
SOLAR POWER SCIENCE (Brownies through Ambassadors – Solar Power Fun Patch)
TERRARIUM SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Terrarium Fun Patch)
TIE DYE SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Tie Dye Fun Patch)
UNICORN SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Unicorn Fun Patch)
VALENTINE'S MAD SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Valentine’s Day Fun Patch) – seasonal
WEATHER LAB (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Weather Watcher Fun Patch)
AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN (Daisies – Automotive 1: Design)
AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING (Daisies – Automotive 3: Manufacturing)
BIRDS IN NATURE (Daisies – Math in Nature 3: Design with Nature Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 101 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 1: Basics Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 102 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 2: Safeguards Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 103 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 3: Investigator Badge)
DAISY AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (Daisies – Automotive 2: Engineering)
DAISY APP DEVELOPMENT (Daisies – Coding for Good 3: App Development Badge)
DAISY CODING BASICS (Daisies – Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics Badge)
DAISY DIGITAL GAME DESIGN (Daisies – Coding for Good 2: Digital Game Design Badge)
DAISY OUTDOOR ART (Daisies - Outdoor Art Maker)
DAISY ROBOT BASICS (Daisies – Robots 1: What Robots Do Badge)
DAISY SCRIBBLING ROBOTS (Daisies – Robots 2: How Robots Move, Robots 3: Design a Robot)
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
INTRO TO PROGRAMMING (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like a Programmer Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
MEASURING WITH LEAVES (Daisies – Math in Nature 2: Numbers in Nature Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
ROLLER COASTER DESIGN (Daisies – Mechanical Engineering: Roller Coaster Badge)
SCIENCE OF CARS (Daisies – Mechanical Engineering: Model Car Badge)
SCIENCE OF SPACE (Daisies and Brownies – Daisy Space Science Explorer, Brownie Space Science Adventurer)
SLIME STORE (Daisies – Toy Business Designer Badge)
UNDERSEA PATTERNS (Daisies – Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature Badge)
ALL ABOUT BUGS (Brownies – Bugs Badge)
AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN (Brownies – Automotive 1: Design)
AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING (Brownies – Automotive 3: Manufacturing)
BRISTLE BOTS AND MORE (Brownies and Juniors – Robotics 2: Designing Robots Badge, Robotics 3: Showcasing Robots Badge)
BROWNIE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (Brownies – Automotive 2: Engineering)
BROWNIE NATURE DESIGN (Brownies – Math in Nature 3: Design with Nature Badge)
BROWNIE NATURE SHAPES (Brownies – Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature Badge)
CODING FOR GOOD: APP DEVELOPMENT (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good 3: App Development Badges)
CODING FOR GOOD: CODING BASICS (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics)
CODING FOR GOOD: DIGITAL GAME DESIGN (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good: Digital Game Design)
COMPUTER EXPERT (Brownies – Computer Expert Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 101 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 1: Basics Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 102 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 2: Safeguards Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 103 (Daisies and Brownies - Cybersecurity 3: Investigator Badge)
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
FIRST AID (Brownies and Juniors – First Aid Badge)
FLOWER GARDEN DESIGN (Brownies – Math in Nature 2: Numbers in Nature Badge)
HALLOWEEN POTIONS (Brownies - Home Scientist Badge) - Seasonal
INTRO TO PROGRAMMING (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like a Programmer Badge)
LEAP BOTS (Brownies – Mechanical Engineering: Leap Bot Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
ROBOT BASICS (Brownies and Juniors – Robotics 1: Programming Robots Badge)
SCIENCE OF FLIGHT (Brownies – Mechanical Engineering: Fling Flyer Badge)
SCIENCE OF SPACE (Daisies and Brownies – Daisy Space Science Explorer, Brownie Space Science Adventurer)
SCIENCE OF THE SENSES (Brownies – Senses Badge)
SIMPLE INVENTIONS (Brownies – Inventor Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN (Juniors – Automotive 1: Design)
AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING (Juniors – Automotive 3: Manufacturing)
BALLOON CAR DESIGN (Juniors – Mechanical Engineering: Balloon Car Badge)
BIOLOGICAL DRAWINGS (Juniors - Drawing Badge)
BRISTLE BOTS AND MORE (Brownies and Juniors – Robotics 2: Designing Robots Badge, Robotics 3: Showcasing Robots Badge)
CODING FOR GOOD: APP DEVELOPMENT (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good 3: App Development Badges)
CODING FOR GOOD: CODING BASICS (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics)
CODING FOR GOOD: DIGITAL GAME DESIGN (Brownies and Juniors – Coding for Good: Digital Game Design)
CRANE DESIGN (Juniors – Mechanical Engineering: Crane Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 201 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 1: Basics Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 202 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 2: Safeguards Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 203 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 3: Investigator Badge)
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER (Juniors – Digital Photographer Badge)
FIRST AID (Brownies and Juniors – First Aid Badge)
FLOWER SCIENCE (Juniors – Flower Badge)
GARDEN LANDSCAPING (Juniors – Math in Nature 2: Numbers in Nature Badge)
JUNIOR AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (Juniors – Automotive 2: Engineering)
JUNIOR FORENSIC SCIENCE (Juniors – Detective Badge)
JUNIOR SPACE SCIENCE (Juniors – Space Science Investigator Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
PADDLE BOAT DESIGN (Juniors - Mechanical Engineering: Paddle Boat Design Badge)
PLANNING A HIKE (Juniors – Math in Nature 3: Design with Nature Badge)
PLANT PATTERNS (Juniors – Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature Badge)
PROGRAMMING BASICS (Juniors and Cadettes – Think Like a Programmer Badge)
ROBOT BASICS (Brownies and Juniors – Robotics 1: Programming Robots Badge)
SCIENCE OF BEES (All Girl Scouts – Save the Bees Fun Patch/Junior Animal Habits Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
SPA SCIENCE (Juniors – Product Designer Badge)
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (Juniors and Cadettes - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
CADETTE APP DEVELOPMENT (Cadettes – Coding for Good 3: App Development Badge)
CADETTE CODING BASICS (Cadettes – Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics)
CADETTE DIGITAL GAME DESIGN (Cadettes – Coding for Good 2: Digital Game Design Badge)
CADETTE FORENSIC SCIENCE – (Cadettes – Special Agent Badge)
CADETTE SPACE SCIENCE (Cadettes – Space Science Research Badge
CSA FIRST AID (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – First Aid Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 201 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 1: Basics Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 202 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 2: Safeguards Badge)
CYBERSECURITY 203 (Juniors and Cadettes – Cybersecurity 3: Investigator Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
PROGRAMMING BASICS (Juniors and Cadettes – Think Like a Programmer Badge)
SCIENCE OF TREES (Cadettes – Trees Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (Juniors and Cadettes - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
CSA FIRST AID (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – First Aid Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
STUDYING SPACE (Seniors and Ambassadors – Senior Space Science Expert Badge, Ambassador Space Science Master Badge)
CSA FIRST AID (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – First Aid Badge)
CSA PHOTOGRAPHY (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors – Photography Fun Patch/Ambassador Photographer Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
Digital Game Design Badge)
STUDYING SPACE (Seniors and Ambassadors – Senior Space Science Expert Badge, Ambassador Space Science Master Badge)