Our Girl Scout Workshops are designed to help girls complete requirements toward their badges and patches. Private workshops available.
Our Online Girl Scout Workshops and On-Demand Workshops are designed to help girls around the country complete requirements toward their badges and patches. Private online workshops available.
Our On-Demand options let your Girl Scout participate in our workshops AT YOUR CONVENIENCE.
To get our Scout Workshop Schedule updates emailed to you, click here. Join our Private Discover Science Girl Scout Workshop Facebook Groups for real-time schedule updates:
HALLOWEEN POTIONS (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors) - In-Person Workshop
Sunday, October 20 - 2:00-3:15pm - FULL
Sunday, October 20 - 3:30-4:45pm
Girl Scouts make color changing concoctions, create spooky potions, learn about chemical reactions, and go home with slime. Brownies earn their Home Scientist Badge, and Daisies and Juniors earn a Halloween Fun Patch. Badge/patch is included with registration fee.
Location: STEM Lab (Suite 21) - Roswell
$20/Girl Scout
Want a Private In-Person or Online Girl Scout Workshop for just your troop? We can do that! With a $50 non-refundable private workshop fee in addition to the workshop registration fees, we can schedule a custom online workshop for your Girl Scouts. Call 770 641-9336 or email info@discoversciencecenter.com to find a date that works for you.
Click links to view description of each workshop.
BATH BOMB SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Bath Bomb Fun Patch)
CHEMICAL REACTIONS (All Girl Scouts - Chemistry Fun Patch)
DNA SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Life Science Fun Patch)
FAIRY DOOR DESIGN (All Girl Scouts - Fairy Garden Fun Patch)
FROZEN SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Frozen Fun Patch)
GEODE LAB (All Girl Scouts - Rocks and Minerals Fun Patch)
GROSSOLOGY (All Girl Scouts - Grossology Fun Patch)
MINUTE TO WIN IT: SCIENCE EDITION (All Girl Scouts - Minute to Win It Fun Patch)
OWL PELLET DISSECTION (All Girl Scouts - Owl Fun Patch)
PALEONTOLOGY (All Girl Scouts – Dinosaur Discovery Fun Patch)
PAPER MARBLING (All Girl Scouts – Paper Marbling Fun Patch)
PIRATE SCIENCE (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Pirate Fun Patch)
PLANT SCIENCE (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Nature Fun Patch)
POLYMER SCIENCE LAB (Juniors through Ambassadors – Girls In Science Fun Patch)
REPTILE SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Reptile Fun Patch)
SCIENCE LAB SKILLS (All Girl Scouts – Science Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF BEES (All Girl Scouts – Save the Bees Fun Patch/Junior Animal Habits Badge)
SCIENCE OF BIRDS (All Girl Scouts – Birds Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF FUNGI (All Girl Scouts - Mushroom Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF MAGIC (All Girl Scouts – Magic Show Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF SLIME (All Girl Scouts – Slime Fun Patch)
SCIENCE OF WATER (All Girl Scouts – Water Wise Fun Patch)
SCIENCE WIZARDRY (Daisies, Brownies and Juniors – Science Wizardry Fun Patch)
SEA MONKEY SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Aquatic Life Fun Patch)
SEA TURTLE SCIENCE (Brownies through Ambassadors - Sea Turtle Fun Patch)
SHARK SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Marine Biology Fun Patch)
TERRARIUM SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Terrarium Fun Patch)
TIE DYE SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts – Tie Dye Fun Patch)
UNICORN SCIENCE (All Girl Scouts - Unicorn Fun Patch)
DAISY OUTDOOR ART (Daisies - Outdoor Art Maker)
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
INTRO TO PROGRAMMING (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like a Programmer Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
ROLLER COASTER DESIGN (Daisies – Mechanical Engineering: Roller Coaster Badge)
SCIENCE OF CARS (Daisies – Mechanical Engineering: Model Car Badge)
SCIENCE OF SPACE (Daisies and Brownies – Daisy Space Science Explorer, Brownie Space Science Adventurer)
SLIME STORE (Daisies – Toy Business Designer Badge)
ALL ABOUT BUGS (Brownies – Bugs Badge)
COMPUTER EXPERT (Brownies – Computer Expert Badge)
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
INTRO TO PROGRAMMING (Daisies and Brownies - Think Like a Programmer Badge)
LEAP BOTS (Brownies – Mechanical Engineering: Leap Bot Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
SCIENCE OF FLIGHT (Brownies – Mechanical Engineering: Fling Flyer Badge)
SCIENCE OF SPACE (Daisies and Brownies – Daisy Space Science Explorer, Brownie Space Science Adventurer)
SCIENCE OF THE SENSES (Brownies – Senses Badge)
SIMPLE INVENTIONS (Brownies – Inventor Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
BALLOON CAR DESIGN (Juniors – Mechanical Engineering: Balloon Car Badge)
BIOLOGICAL DRAWINGS (Juniors - Drawing Badge)
CRANE DESIGN (Juniors – Mechanical Engineering: Crane Badge)
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER (Juniors – Digital Photographer Badge)
FLOWER SCIENCE (Juniors – Flower Badge)
JUNIOR FORENSIC SCIENCE (Juniors – Detective Badge)
JUNIOR SPACE SCIENCE (Juniors – Space Science Investigator Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
PADDLE BOAT DESIGN (Juniors - Mechanical Engineering: Paddle Boat Design Badge)
PROGRAMMING BASICS (Juniors and Cadettes – Think Like a Programmer Badge)
SCIENCE OF BEES (All Girl Scouts – Save the Bees Fun Patch/Junior Animal Habits Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
SPA SCIENCE (Juniors – Product Designer Badge)
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (Juniors and Cadettes - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
CADETTE FORENSIC SCIENCE – (Cadettes – Special Agent Badge)
CADETTE SPACE SCIENCE (Cadettes – Space Science Research Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
OUTDOOR ART (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - Outdoor Art Badge)
PROGRAMMING BASICS (Juniors and Cadettes – Think Like a Programmer Badge)
SCIENCE OF TREES (Cadettes – Trees Badge)
SO YOU WANT TO BE A MARINE BIOLOGIST (Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes - STEM Career Exploration Badge)
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (Juniors and Cadettes - Think Like an Engineer Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
STUDYING SPACE (Seniors and Ambassadors – Senior Space Science Expert Badge, Ambassador Space Science Master Badge)
LOST LADYBUG PROJECT (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
NATURE OBSERVER (All Girl Scouts – Think Like a Citizen Scientist Badge)
Digital Game Design Badge)
STUDYING SPACE (Seniors and Ambassadors – Senior Space Science Expert Badge, Ambassador Space Science Master Badge)
We LOVE hosting science-themed parties!
Your Girl Scouts earn a badge or patch during our party activities. Parties may be booked for either 12:00-2:00pm or 3:00-5:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays at our Roswell or Peachtree City locations. Weekday parties can also be scheduled.
Parties for up to 12 Girl Scouts are $300. Additional kids are $10 each. Badge or patch is included with party fee.
To reserve our location for a party, a non-refundable deposit of $125 is required at the time of the reservation. Before paying the deposit, please confirm that the date and time you are interested in are available by calling 770 641-9336 or by emailing info@discoversciencecenter.com.